This domain is my netizen garage. Much of what I need organized online for everything from play to purpose can be found here. At least, before it earns a place elsewhere. > [!success] I am Shane Andersen > I am a [practising practical philosopher.]( > - The world isn't as good as it should be. > - Those who can, must. > - There is much I must do. > >I offer my publicly accessible time through []( > >My citizenship is [Canadian.]( I am interested in [[What I Want]] and these are my [[Fucks Given]]. > [!question]- Navigation > That's your problem. > This is **your** adventure. > > Though as in a life well lived, this is a game. So I suggest to you, Dear Stranger, whom wishes to play by set rules, that you start with my [[Axioms]]. Though you, dear jury, judge, and/or executioner, I suggest you start at my beginnings.